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So, You Answered No to Question 2?

Understanding the horror stories and learning from the harsh lessons of past FTC cases is crucial to ensure compliance with FTC regulations and avoid making similar mistakes.

Here's what you need to learn:


In the "Website Legal Compliance Blueprint" provided by FTC Guardian, there are references to horror stories and lessons from past FTC cases. These cases serve as cautionary tales and provide valuable insights into the consequences of non-compliance with FTC regulations.


To ensure that you can say "yes" to having read the horror stories and learned from past FTC cases, it is recommended to delve into the resources provided by FTC Guardian. Review the information available within the "Website Legal Compliance Blueprint," paying special attention to the section on horror stories and lessons from past cases.

In addition to the resources provided, it is beneficial to conduct your own research and explore online articles or publications that discuss real-life examples of websites facing FTC investigations or penalties. By familiarizing yourself with these stories, you can gain a deeper understanding of the specific violations that led to consequences for those websites.

One important case to consider is the Gateway Learning case, which highlights the significance of honoring privacy practices and providing clear privacy policy notices. It underscores the need for authorization when sharing personal information and emphasizes that amendments regarding data sharing are not effective retroactively.

By studying these examples, you can learn from the mistakes made by others, understand how certain actions or practices can be perceived as deceptive or unfair under Section 5 of the FTC Act, and avoid falling into similar traps.


Learning from past FTC cases is not only about avoiding negative outcomes but also about gaining insights into best practices for ensuring compliance. Incorporate these lessons into your website's content, marketing strategies, data collection practices, disclosures, and legal documents.

Join FTC Guardian, whose members can connect with Chip Cooper, SaaS, Internet, and E-Commerce Attorney, Co-Founder & CEO of FTC Guardian, on live webinars twice per month. These sessions allow you to learn to navigate the new compliance risks and ask questions relevant to your situation.

While I have provided you with key points based on the context given, I encourage you to explore additional resources beyond what is mentioned here. Stay up-to-date with FTC guidelines, attend webinars or seminars on compliance, and consult with legal professionals who specialize in FTC regulations to further enhance your understanding and mitigate risks associated with non-compliance.

FTC Guardian membership provides an easy-to-implement solution to many of your potential FTC Risks.

FTC Risks website and contents are published for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

FTCrisks.com has No Affiliation with the Federal Trade Commission

This website is a commercial website owned by Padco Marketing LLC., a Wyoming company. We are not affiliated with, or endorsed by, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or any other governmental or regulatory agency. The products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by the FTC, nor have they been reviewed, tested or certified by the FTC.